
The jwgkvsq.vmx is a worm-type virus, which spreads via USB/portable drives and through the network. It also makes autorun.inf file on your USB device as well as a hidden system folder called RECYCLER which contains the jwgkvsq.vmx file. Im not sure if this is an old virus, but it seems its been spreading a lot lately. And most anti-virus doesnt detect this, but for those who does, it cant remove it.

It is also known as:

Win32/Conficker.B - CA


Show hidden files and folders doesnt work. You can check this by going to a folder, then click Tools, then Folder Options, then View tab. Select the Show hidden files and folders then click Apply, then Ok. Open Folder Options again, if it reverted back to Do not show hidden files and folders then you have this virus.
Evey time you plug in a USB device on your computer, it creates an autorun.inf file, and a RECYCLER folder with the jwgkvsq.vmx virus file.
You cant access anti-virus websites an other popular websites like microsoft.com or yahoo.com
Windows wont boot into Safe Mode. This happens on extreme cases. When you try to boot into Safe Mode, your computer restarts/shuts down

my updated Avast anti-virus detech it but can't erase it...
but "MoSo Force Delete" can do it.. download at http://www.moatsoft.com/

in ur USB drive delete autorun.inf and RECYCLER folder with the jwgkvsq.vmx virus file.

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This blog was make to teach people how to make and download cool things. All of the files in this blog does not have viruses. All of these programs are free For more information, my email is: programsdownloader@hotmail.com


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