This application actually works,
I was so surprised to find out it worked that I had to make this vid to show people!

I will post the link for this to download if enough people request it, otherwise people will just think I'm scamming or some B.S.

Edit: Lots of people are interested so I'm posting the link where I downloaded this from! Cheers guys :)

Thanks a lot for checking this video out, just wanted to spread the message!

P.S. Don't post nasty comments, it's a waste of my time and yours.
If you don't want to watch this, then don't. I don't want to hear about it.

here is the link

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About this blog

This blog was make to teach people how to make and download cool things. All of the files in this blog does not have viruses. All of these programs are free For more information, my email is:


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