
Ares es un cliente de intercambio de archivos peer to peer para buscar y descargar todo tipo de archivos.

Ares es capaz de descargar un mismo archivo de varias fuentes (si un mismo archivo es compartido por varios usuarios a la vez) mejorando así la velocidad de descarga en ése caso.

También posee búsqueda automática y permite reanudar descargas, dos opciones que aunadas resultan idóneas para completar descargas.

El sistema del que Ares hace uso para intercambiar archivos también se puede usar como servidor web, opción que está integrada en el programa junto a un sistema automático de actualización de DNS.

Ares se completa con un reproductor de audio y vídeo integrado y la garantía del autor que asegura que está libre de spyware y publicidad.



Grabar tu mejor partida de Counter Strike, filmar ese momento único en el que derrotas a Illidan en World of Warcraft o, incluso, dejar constancia de tu paso en Second Life. Todo esto se puede hacer con este programa de sencillo manejo.

Aunque es necesaria una cuenta en la página web del programa, Wegame.com, podrás grabar todos tus vídeos en formato .AVI de forma gratuita. También puedes editarlos con otros programas, si así lo deseas, puesto que el vídeo se guarda en una carpeta aparte que defines al instalarlo.

Lo mejor de WeGame es su sencilla interfaz que te permite filmar tus partidas pulsando una sola tecla –que definirás previamente- y no solo eso, sino que con un simple clic lo subirás a su servidor y lo compartirás con todo el mundo gracias a un sistema parecido al que utiliza YouTube.

En resumen, una herramienta imprescindible para aquellos que buscan compartir sus hazañas y aventuras en los videojuegos. Siempre que sean compatibles con este programa, único punto negativo de WeGame.

Para utilizar WeGame necesitas:
Sistema operativo: WinXP/Vista




Here you download the torrents







Si no tienes suficiente dinero como para adquirir una licencia de Windows Vista o si crees que los componentes de tu ordenador no aguantarán la transición a este nuevo sistema operativo, te queda un último recurso: adaptar la apariencia de Windows XP a la de Vista.

VistaMizer es la aplicación encargada de ello. Ejecuta el instalador y sigue los pasos que se indican en él. Una vez finalizada la configuración del programa, reinicia el equipo para que los cambios tengan efecto.

Las principales modificaciones que VistaMizer produce afectan al menú de inicio (el mismo que el de Vista), las carpetas (renueva su interfaz y añade nuevos acceso directos a las opciones de éstas), iconos y fondos de pantalla.

Además, VistaMizer también añade los sonidos propios de Windows Vista. Presume de Vista sin llegar a tenerlo gracias a este programa.



No creo que este juego necesite mucha presentacion.
Ya esta listo el parche para XP, cualquier inquietud pueden hacerla saber.
Antes de descargar el material deben tener en cuenta, que muchos usuarios han
tenido problemas al intentar la instalacion, pero esto no se debe al juego,
se debe al Win XP, aca dejo dos formas de instalarlo, una en español, y otra
en ingles.

winwar http://download.cnet.com/WinRAR/3000-2250_4-10007677.html

ultra iso

part 1 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CCM5WFRX

part 2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CS72CHYO

part 3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LW7TU6TY

part 4 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0KSW4T38

part5 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TCKOCVU2

part 6 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TB9S7HNE

part 7 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8OGX4D1H

part 8 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JH6WIFX6

product key CTGCV-Y98W6-PPF2J-66QT4-6G8HY

Los Link’s:

Windows Vista™ o XP
Procesador: 2 Ghz Pentium 4 class processor (or x64)
Disco Duro: 7 GB
Tarjeta de Video: DX9 tarjeta grafica WDDM driver, PS 2.0/32BPP, por lo menos nVidia 6000 o ATI x700 o superior
Multi-player: 128 kbps o mas

Espero lo disfruten.


Halo es uno de aquellos juegos que destacan por sí solos, una superproducción cargada de detalles y con opciones realmente novedosas (en su día) como ejemplo control de vehículos de un jugador mientras otro jugador se encarga de disparar.

Halo lo tiene todo para transportarte a otra dimensión y mantenerte en vilo durante mucho tiempo. Una ambientación perfecta, una gran jugabilidad (con un equipo potente), juego multijugador o modo campaña individual, multitud de armas, impresionantes efectos (como cuando un alienígena sale despedido producto de una granada), etc.

Nota sobre Halo:
La demo se encuentra en inglés, pero el juego completo está totalmente en español

Limitaciones de la versión de prueba:
No contiene todos los mapas, permite campaña individual y juego on-line (a través de Internet, vía IP directamente o en LAN)

Para utilizar Halo necesitas:
Sistema operativo: Win98/98SE/Me/2000/XP
Requisitos mínimos:
Procesador: 733 MHz
Memoria: 128 MB
DirectX 9.0b
Tarjeta gráfica 32 MB con T&L (transform & lighting)



Captures video, sound and pictures of anything you see on your screen and records to AVI (Standard Video Format), SWF (Flash File) and WMV (Windows Media Video). Any portion of the screen can be selected for recording. You can zoom in and out during recording. Features 2D and 3D zooming. You include audio from microphone, speakers ('what you hear'), CD etc. Record subtitles, draw to screen while recording, cut and save portions from videos, add/mix sounds and narration, join videos, change their speed, dimensions and compression, create movies from picture files, synchronizes audio automatically. With the Movie Lab (AVI editor), you can create presentations, tutorials, and software demos, produce videos for video sharing web sites. Textboxes, callouts, images, pictures, videos, mirrors, slow downs, speed-ups, various transitions and effects can be added to videos. Has a separate version for Windows Vista.

Version 4.3.6 fixes a bug related to the movie studio.



VLC Portable is the highly portable stripped down version of the popular VLC Media Player. Its stripped down to just 8 MB and can be used without installing it in the system making it highly portable.



After 10 years and with millions of users worldwide, Apple's QuickTime player still provides one of the best solutions for digital media. Whether you're watching streaming movie trailers online or diving headlong into QuickTime as a creation platform, you'll find little to quibble about in this veteran player.

Its few quirks are quickly offset by the elegant Apple interface and the top-notch audio/video playback quality. QuickTime 7 comes in two varieties. The free standard player handles popular audio, graphic, and video formats, including the much-ballyhooed H.264 and MPEG-4. Also, for $29.95, you can upgrade to the content-creation-friendly Pro version, which adds features such as full-screen playback, easy editing, H.264/MPEG-4 production, and the ability to save movies from the Web.

MPEG-2 support is available, but at an additional cost of $19.95.High-definition content looks impressive with the new H.264 codec, but hardly better than with similar offerings from Microsoft. The stylish transport controls and the friendly layout work well. Inclusion of the autoupdate and automatic-network-detection features make getting started and staying current easy.

Overall, QuickTime 7 continues to be a must-have for anyone surfing the Web or looking to experience the best in digital media.



The latest iteration of Windows Media Player adds a lot of useful bells and whistles, succeeding in many ways as a competitor to iTunes for Windows. A tree-style file directory makes it easy to find the music you want quickly, and a simple search box gets you where you want to go immediately. A five-star rating system lets you rate your music, then organize it by rating, so it's easy to group your favorite songs. Drag-and-drop functionality and a handy Create Playlist button take any confusion out of the process of making your own playlists. Creating the perfect mix CD is equally as easy--simply drag and drop songs into a Burn List in the right panel, then click Start Burn to finish. Ripping was reasonably fast on our test machine, and the program let us pick our preferred bit rate and audio file type.

The biggest new feature in WMP11 is the ability to sign up with paid music and video services. Without registering, we were able to browse various sites and compare prices among services including XM Radio--all from the Windows Media Player interface. We like the new, cleaner look, and the back and forward buttons make it easier to navigate. The ability to sort music by year released makes for some great reminiscing. Overall, we think the latest Windows Media Player offers almost everything you need for every type of media, making it a solid choice for an all-in-one jukebox.



Version 12 of this venerable archiving tool packs a couple of excellent new compression features and enhancements. The best new feature lets users compress JPEG images, known for being hard to reduce in size because of their already-compressed nature. We saw file-size gains of about 20 percent in JPEG-only archives.

Another new feature, Zip from Camera, lets you transfer and compress photos directly from your camera as long as the model is supported. This feature also worked flawlessly in our tests. The improved thumbnail view not only lets users view thumbnails of their archived images--but it also lets users browse images within ZIPs without having to extract files first.

Encryption features get more than a new coat of paint in this version, with customizable password requirements and enhancements for system administrators that let them determine how, if at all, encryption is enforced. AES is supported, with the option for both 128-bit and 256-bit security. Files and folders can also be renamed within a ZIP, and the new Smart View is content-sensitive, automatically choosing the Thumbnail view for images, for example. We like the flexible drag-and-drop support, allowing you to drag files to and from the interface, which will zip or unzip them automatically.

We also like the contextual menus that enable you to perform most of WinZip's functions on the fly. Overall, WinZip is among the best compression programs available, providing all the features necessary to create easy backups, compress e-mail files, and manage downloaded files from the Internet.



Although it lacks a few of the bells and whistles found in other PC-cleaning applications, this free program offers more than enough features to make it a worthy download. CCleaner's interface is logically designed and makes it easy to wipe away your tracks from Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome from various Windows system areas, and from some third-party applications.

CCleaner doesn't support the large number of extraneous programs that some competitors do, but it can erase traces from such popular programs as Spybot - Search & Destroy and WinZip. CCleaner now offers secure file erasing along with a Registry-cleaning utility that quickly scans for invalid entries before removing them. CCleaner can even back up your Registry before removal, in case it accidentally removes a crucial component, and the download includes a rudimentary feature for uninstalling any program on your machine.

Since this free application handles the majority of PC-cleaning chores and offers a nice extra, we strongly recommend CCleaner to all users, except those who need robust tools to remove supersensitive data.



If the contents of the report are serious they may be submitted to law enforcement for investigation. You can help yourself, your family and others stay safe in chat rooms by using this free tool. If you are witness of something, you can press the alarm button and send your report. The software is compatible with Camfrog, MSN, ICQ, Skype, Facebook, Hyves, Myspace, Flickr, Yahoo, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox. Version 4.0 contains a local gallery, where you can store your local screenshots.



Built and optimize for ultra portable PCs (also known as "netbooks"). Secure your mobile environment with complete Internet security protection including anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-phishing, anti-spam and anti-hacker technologies. Plus parental controls and virtual keyboard to protect your online privacy.



ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2010 gives users a full-bodied feature set that focuses on immediate security, but a clunky interface makes some key features hard to get to and activate. Among these are the virus scan, the cornerstone of any security product, and the new gaming mode. ZoneAlarm is boasting of scan times that it says are 80 to 90 percent faster than in previous versions because developers have finally unified their antivirus and antispyware engines. ZoneAlarm has also made improvements to its download scanning protocol, and has included an optional add-on for encrypting laptop hard drives as well as keylogger protection so that only the intended program can read your keystrokes.

Other features include an identity protection module to encrypt personal information and alert you when it leaves your computer--as well as helping you set up an eBay fraud report, if you're an eBay user. There's also an outbound e-mail alert, in case your account gets hacked, parental controls, and the browser toolbar for Firefox and Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, the browser protections only work in those two browsers. ZoneAlarm's well-known firewall is included, and after spending half a day with it on a Windows 7 computer we didn't notice any of the usability problems that have notoriously plagued it. That doesn't mean they don't exist, of course, but we didn't experience them on the latest version.

In terms of threat detection and removal efficacy, independent data isn't available yet for this version. On ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2009, the program scored better than average but not in the upper percentiles on malware detection, removal, response times, and only average on false positives. The trial period is shorter by half than its competitors, but if you're looking for big-name protection, ZoneAlarm Extreme isn't a bad place to start.



ESET's Smart Security takes the structure built by their popular antivirus program NOD32 and adds on two wings: a personal firewall and a spam filter. Because much of Smart Security is the same as NOD32, this review will focus only on the firewall and spam filter.

The firewall's advanced settings are Smart Security's strength. Users can extensively customize the firewall's behavior, but don't have to. There are five default settings: automatic, automatic with user-defined exceptions, interactive, policy-based, and learning. You can set safe zones, configure remote desktop access, and manage intrusion detection, all from an uncluttered and easy-to-use menu. ESET chose usability over flashiness with its design, and users can jump between advanced options for any of Smart Security's tools from the same pane.

The antispam filter is similarly effective and configurable. The program can automatically mark outgoing addresses as safe, as well as detect global address books. Smart Security is surprisingly light, consuming around 50MB of RAM when running, and users should note that NOD32 has consistently scored near the top of several independent antivirus testing organization ratings for finding the most malware while encountering fewer false positives than most. Uninstallation is still tricky, unfortunately, leaving behind residual system files and Registry settings. Still, for getting all your security tools in one box, Smart Security is an effective and well-respected choice.



F-Secure Internet Security 2010 offers better security online without slowing down your computer. The completely redesigned new version offers significantly improved performance, including 70 % less memory consumption and 60 % faster scanning. It also provides enhanced protection against viruses, malware, spam e-mail, and cyber criminals.

Automatic updates and advanced cloud computing technology ensure the fastest protection against new threats. The new Browsing Protection feature tells you which websites are safe to enter and which you should avoid. Harmful sites are blocked automatically to ensure safe surfing while renewed Parental Control keeps children safe from inappropriate web content. Extensive usability studies have helped us create a user experience that sets a new standard for safe PC use. Any problems are handled automatically, without disturbing the user. You are safe, whatever you do online.



Called CyberHawk under its previous owners, PC Tools' ThreatFire is a useful program but only in limited situations. It offers real-time prevention of virus and malware infections by identifying suspicious behaviors ("zero-day" events) as they happen, before malicious code installs itself on your PC. However, ThreatFire does not offer an on-demand scan for viruses already on your computer, though it will perform an on-demand scan for other malware. The name says "antivirus", but if you're looking for an all-in-one on-demand bug killer we recommend looking for a product that includes both on-demand virus scanning and real-time protection.

ThreatFire does do some things very well. The software real-time protection didn't noticeably slow down our Windows Vista computer, and the customizable advanced settings were excellent. Users can pick and choose their preferred trusted processes and create rules for detection, such as scanning for SCR files created by an email client. You can also avail yourself of the scheduler, and create a system restore point before moving threats into quarantine.

However, once installed, ThreatFire is difficult to remove from your startup routine without uninstalling it. The absence of on-demand virus scanning means that this app is best used in conjunction with a program that offers on-demand virus detection and removal. While ThreatFire offers some compelling features, competing freeware security programs provide a more comprehensive combination of real-time and on-demand virus scanning.



This novice-friendly freeware antivirus tool still expects a certain level of sophistication from its users. PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition's interface presents a minimum amount of buttons to control the application.

Checking your PC status, scanning for viruses, and switching on or off real-time protection are all a matter of clicking a single button. Scan speed and memory requirements are average for applications in this genre. Basic full-scan scheduling is easy to set. The virus database appears comprehensive, and the program automatically downloads updates.

This is the freeware version of the publisher's antivirus tool, but the differences are minor. Updates are downloaded from a slower server with this version, but not so slow as to cause user irritation. E-mail message tagging options are not configurable. E-mail and phone support isn't available.

Our big concern is the very basic Help function. Novice users will find it tough to navigate. Intermediate users will wish for better information before tackling any configuration changes. Nonetheless, users looking for an antivirus tool that can be set with default protection and that updates silently will be happy with this freeware.

Publisher's description

From PC Tools :
PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition protects you against the most nefarious cyber-threats attempting to gain access to your PC and personal details. Going online without protection against the latest fast-spreading viruses, worms and Trojans can result in infections within minutes. Once infected, the virus will usually attempt to spread itself to your friends, family and associates by accessing your e-mail contacts and networked PCs. The infection may also allow hackers to access files on your PC, use it to launch attacks against other computers and Websites or to send mass spam email. That's why PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition provides protection, with rapid database updates, IntelliGuard real-time file, Internet & e-mail protection and comprehensive system scanning to ensure your system remains safe and virus free. Version 5 features new improved scan engine, smaller memory footprint, and much improved system performance.



In the 2010 version of its well-known antivirus program, Symantec continues to build on the unexpected progress it made last year. In addition to maintaining the quick load and scan times, and significantly smaller system footprint, Norton 2010 includes a behavioral detection engine based on both behavior and reputation.

Called Quorum, this new engine doesn't adversely affect Norton's performance--a major concern after years of system-crippling sluggishness. It works in concert with Norton Insight, introduced last year as a whitelist-style guard for ''trusted'' files. By examining your files and how they behave--both locally and when trying to access the Internet--and comparing them with other Norton users, Symantec claims that it offers better protection than its competitors. Like its competitors who also have behavioral detection systems, however, Norton allows you to opt out of anonymously submitting your data without sacrificing the protection that Quorum provides. Third-party detection and removal ratings are not available for this new version, but last year's results placed Norton in the upper echelon for efficacy.

Norton AntiVirus lacks the premium services offered in Norton Internet Security. These include a firewall, parental controls, Wi-Fi protection for unsecured hot spots, and identity protection including antiphishing tools and browser search result authentication for Internet Explorer and Firefox. Norton AntiVirus also offers only one license, instead of the three that come with its bigger brother. It does offer the same support network, lacking a searchable knowledge base but including e-mail, IM, phone support and the Symantec forums. The trial has been doubled from 15 days to 30. Norton's recent approach to performance and its continued efficacy make Norton AntiVirus 2010 a must-consider program for its class.



This impressive software provides the same steadfast protection of well-known antivirus programs, yet it's surprisingly free.

Avast Home Edition guards your PC and the network with multiple shields that scan executables and files. You can select parameters for scanning, and even choose wildcards to exclude specific file types. You can adjust the sensitivity level for the program's detectors when it comes to scanning downloaded files, instant messages, e-mails, and a host of P2Ps. Its efficient interface opens up window after window to tweak its settings to your liking, for novice to advanced level protection.

Though it took quite some time to run, we're impressed with this application's boot-time antivirus scan. Fortunately, if you're in a pinch you can bypass it. If malicious contents are detected, Avast comes to the rescue with handy virus cleanup tools. Some decent PC controls are even handed out here. You can block certain URLs and file operations, such as writing to files or even renaming, deleting or formatting them.

With immediate real-time protection, clockwork updates, and much more, this free software is highly regarded in our book.



Comodo has merged its antivirus program with Firewall Pro, creating a free security program that aims to be more to more people. Although this may frustrate some users who want only one program or the other, the installer does let you opt out of either of the components. Users are also asked to install the Comodo SafeSearch and Ask.com toolbars, so be careful if you tend to install on autopilot. CIS requires a reboot.

Resource management is better than before, with hogging all but eliminated. It provides a smorgasbord of information and options for advanced users, but it's simple enough for beginners, and runs smoothly and silently in the background. The version 3 interface utilizes a plain white color scheme and replaces old terminology with more intuitive terms such as Summary, Firewall, Defense, and Miscellaneous. In each, there are links to relevant security issues so users can drill down to learn more about how the firewall is performing. The firewall rears its head most often when Security Alerts ask about new Internet connections as the program "learns" your computer's behavior.

Shield-shaped buttons at the top facilitate switching between the antivirus and firewall modules, as well as a summary tab that provides a general overview. Users can toggle automatic scans of archives or downloads, scans on start-up, manage the quarantine, and schedule scans and definition file updates through a clean and comprehensible list of links. The definition file update crashed during its first use, but was stable thereafter. Scans completed at a reasonable speed, but were not blazingly fast.

A third pane, Defense+, provides more-advanced security options including locking down specific files from modification, perusing an active processes list, and protecting specific Registry keys. Comodo Internet Security's wide range of free services are generally good, but the firewall is clearly the strongest of the bunch.



This antivirus program offers rock-solid protection. AVG Free provides the bare necessities, including a real-time shield to prevent infections, anti-virus and anti-malware wrapped up in one engine, and a link scanner for Web surfing with care.

By default, the application is set to search for new virus definitions daily, but you always can use the scheduling tool to change this. Should a virus create serious system problems, AVG creates a rescue disk to scan your computer in MS-DOS mode. The program doesn't tax your system when scanning or when running in the background and always proved effective in our tests. The new interface is much easier to navigate than in previous version, with tabbed navigation on the left assisting users in drilling down to the tools they need.

Though the free version of this program will suffice for average folks, those who demand more control should certainly consider AVG Anti-Virus Professional.



Convert and burn your video to DVD. Then your videos can be played on any DVD player. Supports DVD5, DVD9, Mini DVD, Mini DVD DL. Reliable burning engine will burn your videos to disc after encoding. Create your own subtitles (up to 32 for each video), create DVD chapters. Support up to 60 Video formats including AVI to DVD, DivX to DVD, MPEG to DVD, WMV to DVD, MP4 to DVD, FLV to DVD, MKV to DVD, RM to DVD. Embedded DVD creator. Easy to use UI design.



CrazyTalk features multiple actor animation for generating real-time dialogue sequences, VividEye technology increasing the high realism of virtual eye movement, and auto human face fitting advancement in Reallusio
n's remarkably simple image transformation process that converts any 2D image into a fully animated digital actor within minutes. Quickly design and animate talking avatars for use in any commercial or personal web page, video project or social network widget. CrazyTalk delivers the ultimate solution for today's digital content creators looking to add a virtual host, product pitchman or digital actor to their movies, video projects and Web sites.



This PDF converter didn't wow us with its feature set, but it demonstrated good speed and usability. Like similar programs, DeskPDF Professional installs as a virtual printer, allowing you to convert any printable document to PDF format. You also can select a file for transformation by right-clicking it or dropping it onto the program shortcut. DeskPDF Professional supports such PDF features as metadata, viewing options, and password protection. It also can merge documents, but it can't, unfortunately, bookmark them. The program comes with a handful of watermarks, and we like its ability to save settings in profiles for quick application later on. Overall, DeskPDF Professional provides solid functionality that ought to satisfy most people with basic PDF-conversion needs.



Though perhaps not a total video solution, Total Video Converter does support a wealth of audio and video formats, including 3GP, PSP, AVI, MOV, and SWF. On top of that, it can rip DVDs and cut movies into smaller, more manageable fragments. In our testing, we appreciated the program's conversion speed and quality. Total Video Converter is well-suited for batch conversion. We found the interface straightforward, with one minor exception: the cumbersome Select Format dialog. Unfortunately, none of these features come for free: in addition to the 15-day restriction, the trial version stamps movies with a registration reminder. The $45.95 registration fee may make your jaw drop, too. Though it's not exactly a bargain, Total Video Converter is much more complete and competent than most of its competitors. If price is no object, it's definitely worth a look.



Any Video Converter is an all-in-one video converting freeware with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed, and excellent video quality. It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, RMVB, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, and AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for PSP or other portable video device, MP4 player, or Smartphones.





Following in the tradition of previous Blizzard expansion sets, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne provides gamers with a vast new chapter in the epic Warcraft saga. In the single-player campaign, players revisit the war-torn world of Azeroth. Several months have passed since Archimonde and the Burning Legion were defeated at the battle of Mount Hyjal, yet a new threat has arisen throughout the land





The leading Universal download manager for Mac OS X. Developed exclusively for Mac OS X Tiger and later, Speed Download 5 marks the next generation of powerful and reliable, time-saving download managers.

Faster and more secure, more features, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Speed Download release sets a new standard for download manager innovation, and is designed to be your central, unified hub for almost all the downloading and file transfer activities you do online.

Some of the new features include the following:
- a gorgeous and easy to use interface
- a re-engineered turbo-charged download engine
- a central database to manage all your downloads, uploads, and file transfers
- a built-in FTP client (with SSL) that satisfies the basic FTP needs of most users
- many more features



Shop thousands of eBook titles including New York Times Bestsellers.

- Take your library with you by transferring to your Sony Reader.
- Read eBooks on your PC or Mac with adjustable text and two-page view.



Over 300 effects that include Comic Book, Hearts, 3D Video Wall, Plasma, Glass, Sky, Aquarium, Snow, TV, Pencil and many more.





A collection of 56 effects for iChat and PhotoBooth.

This effects are available for G5 and Intel processor. Some could be supported by PowerPC G4 (with Powerboost) in Photobooth or iChat.



A simple menu bar application which can provide you with a quick and easy way to see how many unread email messages are in Apple’s Mail. Unlike other menu bar notification applications, Mail Unread Menu is actually a plugin for Mail.app, which means that the count is instantaneously updated whenever you recieve new email or change the status of a message.



The ultimate tool to fight spam for Mac OS X. Personal Antispam X5 analyzes your incoming e-mail, determining which messages are spam and which are valid messages, in many ways: by checking a whitelist of addresses, message content, message layout, URLs in messages, and much more.



A powerful and easy to use tool for companies and individuals who want to communicate with a large group of customers, students, friends or other e-mail contacts without having to rewrite the mail for each recipient.

The integrated database allows you to effectively manage your recipients list as well as to import addresses from other sources such as the Apple AddressBook. Personalize each message by inserting data fields into your mail, SerialMailer will take care of filling in the correct information on send time.

A variety of tools - such as design templates - help you streamline the creation of your next mailing and give you more time to focus on the contents of your mail.



Gives you back your inbox by bringing powerful Bayesian spam filtering to popular email clients. It learns what your spam looks like, so it can block nearly all of it. It looks at your address book and learns what your good messages look like, so it won’t confuse them with spam.

Other spam filters get worse over time as spammers adapt to their rules; SpamSieve actually gets better over time as you train it with more messages. SpamSieve doesn’t delete any messages — it only marks them in your email client — so you’ll never lose any mail. SpamSieve works with any number of mail accounts, of whatever types are supported by your email software (e.g. POP, IMAP, Hotmail, AOL).



A full-featured and easy-to-use bulk mailer and mail-merge software for Macintosh that allows you to send out customized press releases, prices lists, newsletters, and any kind of text or HTML documents to your customers or contacts.

MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. MaxBulk Mailer handles plain text, HTML and rich text documents and gives full support for attachments. With MaxBulk Mailer you will create, manage and send your own powerful, personalized marketing message to your customers and potential customers.

Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. Many more features.



SignatureProfiler is a plugin for Apple’s Mail application that adds missing features from the way that signatures are handled and managed with your outgoing mail messages, especially if you have multiple mail accounts (and who doesn’t these days). It was originally written to make up for the complete lack of signature management in versions 1.x of the program, but even 2.x is still missing some capabilities if you use several different accounts and what to share signatures between accounts.



A handy tool to extract email addresses from files on your computers. It retrieves all valid email addresses and automatically removes duplicates.

Easy to use: simply drag and drop the files and folders onto the program window, then press button “Start Extracting Email Addresses”



Archive and access your email with the power of a relational database. MailSteward lets you:
- Safely archive your large volume of vital email information.
- Easily access your email database with fast, sophisticated searching.
- Protect your precious email data from data format obsolescence.

MailSteward will archive all of your email in a database for easy retrieval. Click on the Store Email button and MailSteward will go to work storing copies of all your email text, HTML, attachments, and raw source, into a relational database file. MailSteward has a wealth of features for importing, tagging, saving, and exporting, including the ability to export your vital email information to a number of standard data formats.



The smart way to keep an eye on your Mail. Add new badges to the Mail dock icon and clickable indicators to the menu bar. DockStar lets you keep track of email in various accounts and folders, RSS feeds, Notes, and To Do items with customizable badges in the Mail icon, menu bar, Dashboard, and even in a Screen Saver.





iMovie 2008 hace que veas y trabajes con videos tan intuitivo como ver tus fotos.



Bienvenido a tu estudio de grabacion personal donde es facil hacer una cancion incluso si eres un novato o un pro.



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This blog was make to teach people how to make and download cool things. All of the files in this blog does not have viruses. All of these programs are free For more information, my email is: programsdownloader@hotmail.com


ultimate guitar www.ultimate-guitar.com
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